VitaminSee Rx is a learning hub with a private membership platform supporting busy people (who don't have time and/or money to get sick) to learn how and why to take High-Dose Vitamin C as a  safe, simple way to uber-boost immunity, protect against vascular disease and much more.

Together we're a community helping each other towards ENDING the time-suck, money-pit, just-plain-crappy-feeling carousel of constant sick days (our own and our kid's). It's time to feel the 'C' version of better!😎

What's a 'Vitamin C Coach' now? 

Yep, a Vitamin C Coach. it's the job you never knew needed to be invented! Hi, I'm Jaye, health research nerd and busy mum of 2. I really don’t have time to get sick, and I don’t often have time or money for that preventative self-care list winking at me from my vision board...

Luckily I've found a bit of a short cut! Many years ago high-doses of Vitamin C saved me from the horrible side-effects of mercury poisoning, resolving neurological damage, anxiety and insomnia I'd unknowingly inherited from many years as a dental assistant.

Now I take high-dose C daily to bulletproof my immunity and protect my heart from a familial history of vascular disease. And along the way I noticed some pretty awesome added benefits like; pain reduction, more flexible joints, happier skin, gut balance, more energy and better fitness as well as my favourite, (because I like a good red wine every now and then) a reliable hangover cure. 😜  

After further study (BHSC in Medical Nutrition) I shared my C lifehack with family, friends and later clients, and soon realised here was a super safe, super simple , easily accessible and best of all CHEAP way people can help themselves, their kiddos and even protect at-risk family members from catching every virus doing the rounds, without needing to load up on an expensive, often confusing array of supplements and superfoods (although these are also very helpful).

And it comes with positive side effects.. how often does that happen! Now its my mission to practically translate the research for everyday use, so you can use this fabulous tool to make your life that much easier too - just by Adding C to whatever you're doing now!

Have Questions?
Get in touch here